Our total quality process ensures top quality products from raw materials selection to end product delivery
Quality is of utmost importance to Aria. Our quality control process begins early, with raw materials selection, and continues through finished goods. Beginning in 2001 Aria adopted the ISO 9001 standard for quality management and we have continued to maintain our program and update our quality process to comply with updates to the ISO 9001 standard.
Delivering quality products starts with quality raw materials
Only top quality raw materials are used in our manufacturing process. All materials are carefully inspected before assembly to ensure they meet our rigorous quality standards. Battery cells are graded and tested to ensure they exceed specifications.
Each step of the assembly process is inspected for quality
At each stage of the assembly process, inspections occur to ensure that the parts and assembly are performed according to our rigorous quality standards. Each assembly line includes a minimum of ten quality inspectors, who monitor the entire assembly process from start to finish.
Semi-Finished goods receive end-to-end testing and inspection
Prior to final assembly and packaging, every item is individually tested as a complete unit to ensure that the product functions according to specification. After semi-finished goods inspection, any final assembly steps including labeling and cleaning are performed.
Final inspection includes functional testing and cosmetic inspection
Before packaging, all finished goods are individually inspected visually for any abnormalities. Inspection includes checking the voltage and resistance of the battery packs. We test every battery’s fit with an OEM radio and test charging functionality with an OEM charger.
We have adopted the ISO 9001 standard for quality management
Beginning in 2001 Aria adopted the ISO 9001 standard for quality management. Since achieving initial certification in 2009, we have continued to maintain our program and update our quality process to comply with updates to the ISO 9001 standard.
Want to learn more about our total quality management process? Have a question we didn't answer? Looking for something new, different or custom? Drop us a note and we'll get right back to you.